
La Roche-Posay

Every year, the La Roche-Posay Thermal Center recieve more than 7000 patients suffering of eczema, psoriasis, sequelae of cancer treatments, surery scares and buccal isues.

Entirely dedicated to skin care, the La Roche-Posay Thermal Center is made up of four complementary establishments: the Thermes du Connétable (thermal cure), the Spa Source (well-being and dermatology), the Pavillon Rose (complementary care) and the Pavillon des Sources (dermatological shop and experiential area). These establishments are all located in the thermal park of 20ha, a protected natural area which allows the capture of rainwater which will then become thermal water after a slow percolation in the ground.

Why choose
the La Roche Posay Thermal Cure ?


La Roche-Posay thermal spring water regulates the immune system, soothes inflammation, accelerates healing and improves the suppleness and elasticity of the skin.

Learn more


Most of the dermatological skin conditions are chronic and recurring with common symptoms that can be significantly improved by the thermal cure.



Our staff is very attentive, the thermal center has improved its services during your stay at the cure to create a moment entirely dedicated to your skin and your wellness.



The building has been renovated and modernized to ensure you to have a nice stay during your skin treatments.



Nestled in lush greenery, in the heart of Poitou, La Roche-Posay offers a real bubble of restorative well-being in a revitalizing nature helping the balance between your body and your mind.



Découvrez-le en image

Your skin condition affects your quality of life. Have you thought about or been advised to take a La Roche-Posay thermal cure, but you are still undecided?
Take a look at the pictures to see what your days in our thermal spa will be like, maybe they will convince you...
Over 7,500 people a year benefit from this unique experience. More than 475,000 people have come to La Roche-Posay since the spa was founded in 1905...
Why shouldn't you?

Je réserve ma cure

Logo du Centre Thermal


[Ouverture de la vidéo sur une musique douce au piano.On découvre des vues aériennes de la ville de la Roche-Posay et la nature environnante puis apparait le titre de la vidéo : l’eau de La Roche-Posay pour réparer sa peau]


Carte de France présentant la localisation de La Roche-Posay.


[On découvre un plan d’une personne dans un bain à bulle, puis on voit Vanessa, la Kinésithérapeute du Centre qui prend la parole.]

[Vanessa parle]

« L'eau thermale a des vertus grâce aux minéraux et aux oligo-éléments qu'elle contient, qui sont le sélénium, la silice et le carbonate de calcium, notamment, qui vont intervenir dans les processus de cicatrisation et jouer un rôle anti-inflammatoire. »


[On découvre Martine, également curiste venue soigner les séquelles d’un cancer du sein. Elle est dans un des espace maquillage du Pavillon Rose, pendant qu’elle parle, alterne des plans de soins : bain à bulles mais également des séances de maquillage proposées dans le cadre des soins de support.]

[Martine parle]

« Moi, je trouve que la peau est très douce, très fine et très agréable. C'est surtout un bienfait global. »


[Puis, apparait dans un environnement verdoyant, Fernando, curiste, qui a été victime d’un grave accident. Il vient pour soigner les séquelles de ses brûlures. On découvre également des plans de massages effectués par une kinésithérapeute du centre thermal.]

[Fernando parle]

« Les douches, les massages, c'est très compatible avec les brûlures, ça c'est sûr. »


[Puis, apparait Janine, personnel de cure, elle parle alors qu’elle est au sein de l’établissement thermal.]

[Janine parle]

« L'approche est complètement différente par rapport à l'hôpital, où vraiment les soins sont quand même assez durs, là, c'est vraiment que du confort. »


[On voit plusieurs plans de curistes pendant leurs soins : enfants avec leurs parents, personnes se faisant masser, patients sous pulvérisation faciale, etc. Puis Cathy, la maman d’une petite patiente atteinte d’Eczéma Oona, prend la parole.]

[Cathy parle]

« Les soins sont répartis du lundi au samedi, même les jours fériés. Et ça nous laisse tous les après-midis libres. »


[Christelle, l’éducatrice spécialisée qui anime les ateliers enfants du Centre Thermal, prend la parole. On la voit dans son environnement de travail en alternance avec des images des ateliers de pommadage.]

« Il y a entre autres l'atelier pommadage, où j'apprends aux enfants à s'hydrater et à pouvoir être plus autonomes au niveau de la pose de la pommade. »


[Claire, du Centre Thermal La Roche-Posay parle dans un environnement verdoyant avec le Pavillon Rose en arrière plan. On y voit également des plans des différentes activités donc elle parle]

« À la Roche-Posay, on a fait ce choix de donner une place importante à la prise en charge globale des patients. On a donc rénové le pavillon rose, dans lequel on propose un certain nombre de services : le groupe de parole, les ateliers de sophrologie, d'activité physique adaptées ou de maquillage correcteur et un certain nombre de conférences aussi pour que les gens se rencontrent et repartent mieux armés et ressourcés de la cure thermale. »


[on découvre ensuite plusieurs patients qui prennent la parole à tour de rôle pour donner leur avis sur la cure.]


[Jeune femme prend la parole]

« On est vraiment détendu au bout de ces trois semaines de cure. »


[Thierry, parle]

« Ça soulage ça, ça apaise. »


[Carole, prend la parole]

« Ça fait un très grand bien, c'est relaxant et la peau change vraiment de jour en jour. »


[Catherine, prend la parole]

« Je ne regrette pas d'être venue. On fait de belles rencontres aussi et de gens complètement différents, surtout à La Roche-Posay. »


[La vidéo se termine avec un texte indiquant :

Réparer sa peau et se ressourcer à la Roche-Posay.

Cette cure thermale est prise en charge par la sécurité sociale – Renseignez-vous auprès de votre médecin.]


Logo du Centre Thermal


[Adresse du site Internet :]



our patients and clients say


"it allows you to enter a bubble, and to think only of yourself"

"it allows you to enter a bubble, and to think only of yourself"


Logo of the Thermal Centre
[The video opens with soft piano music, aerial views of the town of La Roche-Posay and the surrounding countryside, and the title of the video: La Roche-Posay thermal water repairs your skin].

 Map of France showing the location of La Roche-Posay.

 [We see a shot of a person in a bubble bath, then we see Vanessa, the Centre's physiotherapist speaking].

[Vanessa speaks]

"Thermal water has many virtues thanks to the minerals and trace elements it contains, which include selenium, silica and calcium carbonate. These minerals act as an anti-inflammatory agent and help the healing process.

[We meet Martine, also a curist, who has come to treat the effects of breast cancer. She is in one of the make-up areas of the Pink Pavilion, and while she talks, we see alternating shots of her treatments: a bubble bath and also a make-up session (offered as part of the support care].

[Martine speaks]

"I find that the skin is very soft, very smooth and very pleasant. It's an overall feeling of wellbeing.

[Then, in leafy surroundings, appears Fernando, a curist, who was victim of a serious accident. He is here to treat his burns. We also see shots of massages given by a physiotherapist at the spa].

[Fernando speaks]

"Showers and massages are very compatible with burns, that's for sure.

[Then we see Janine, a spa staff member, talking while she is in the spa].

[Janine speaks]

" It is completely different compared to the hospital, where the treatments are sometimes quite tough. Here, It’s all comfort ".

[We see several shots of people taking the waters during their treatments: children with their parents, people being massaged, patients undergoing facial spraying, etc. Then Cathy, the mother of a little patient with Dermatitis Oona, speaks up].

[Cathy speaks]

"The treatments take place from Monday to Saturday, even on public holidays. And that leaves the afternoons free."

[Christelle, the specialised educator who leads the children's workshops at the Thermal Centre, speaks. We see her in her working environment, alternating with shots of her applying pomade].

"There is a workshop I run called the pomade workshop, where I teach children to stay hydrated, and to be more autonomous when it comes to applying the pomade.

 [Claire, from the La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre speaks in the leafy surroundings against the backdrop of the Pink Pavilion. There are also shots of some of the activities she is talking about]

"At La Roche-Posay, we give priority to the overall care of patients. The Pink Pavilion has been renovated, and we offer a number of activities: a discussion group, sophrology workshops, adapted physical activities (APA), corrective make-up, as well as many conferences, so that people can get to know each other and leave the Spa feeling better equipped and revitalised."

[We then discover several patients who take turns to speak. They give their opinions on the cure].

 [Young woman speaks].

"We feel really relaxed after these three weeks spent at the spa."

 [Thierry, speaking]

"It relieves, it soothes."

 [Carole, speaking]

"It feels really good, it's relaxing and the skin looks better day after day."

 [Catherine, speaking]

"I don't regret coming. You meet lovely people here, and some very different people also, especially in La Roche-Posay."

 [The video ends with a text stating:

'Repair and replenish : take care of your skin and of yourself in La Roche-Posay'.

This thermal cure is covered by social security - ask your doctor].

 Logo of the Thermal Centre

 [Website address :]



Note: 5 on 5

The welcome is always professional and friendly.
I will come back with great pleasure!





La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre logo

[The video opens with soft piano music.
We see aerial views of the town of La Roche-Posay and the surrounding nature, then the title of the video appears: the LA ROCHE-POSAY dermatological cure].

[Then, in a leafy environment, appears Fernando, a curist, who has had a serious accident. He has come to treat his burns. We also see shots of massages given by a physiotherapist at the spa]
[Fernando speaks]

"Showers and massages are very compatible with burns, that's for sure.
The water makes you feel much more supple, I can move well.

[Still in this green environment, we meet Thierry, a curist, who has suffered from psoriasis since his grandmother died].
[Thierry speaks]

"I have had psoriasis for 35 years, it comes, it goes..."

[Fernando speaks, as he is seen undergoing treatment].
"I came here in a wheelchair. I could hardly walk, hardly speak.
I had to learn everything. But after that, with each treatment, things got better and better.

[Thierry speaks, and we see him during his treatment.]
"I do a lot of puvatherapy in the cabin which works very well.
But the last one didn't work.
My dermatologist and doctor were the ones who urged me to go for a spa treatment.
The filiform shower is good and it gives me exactly the same sensation as when I scratch myself, it relieves and soothes. At the moment, there is less itching."

[Fernando speaks]
"I think it's the thermal treatments and the thermal water that do me a lot of good."

[The video ends with a text saying:
'Repair and replenish : take care of your skin and of yourself, in La Roche-Posay'.
This thermal cure is covered by the Social Security - consult your doctor].

Logo of the Thermal Centre 

[Website address :]