If you already have an account on the La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre website and you don't remember your password, follow these steps:

  • Click on the icon " My account " or on the link
  • Click on "Forgot your password" and enter your login (email address)
  • Check your emails and in the "Reset your password" email you received, click on "Renew my password".
  • Enter your new password
  • Log in with your login name and your new password



  • Is the body linen provided?  Disinfected bathrobes and towels are given to you daily, on presentation of your spa access card. However, we suggest that you bring a second swimming costume to avoid having to wait while wearing a wet suit.
  • How can I best prepare for my cure? Find all the information you need to prepare for a successful cure, in our welcome booklet for curists.
  • Are the thermal establishments easy to access for disabled people and those with reduced mobility? Our establishments are equipped with suitable facilities for the disabled (wheelchair, lift, seat lift, etc.).
  • Which documents do I need to bring to the spa? The essential documents: your medical file, your agreement to be covered, your reservation (contract, description, etc.), your cancellation insurance contract (if you have taken one out), the name and contact details of the spa doctor.
  • What clothes should I bring ? 1 or 2 swimming costumes, several towels, plastic sandals (on sale in the thermal baths), a swimming costume for the parents accompanying a child curist, during the skin treatments, a comfortable outfit if you wish to practice some physical activity classes. You can bring waterproof games for your children.
  • Are accompanying persons allowed? You can choose to go alone or with another person, who will be called "accompanying person". There are several cases which may explain why a person taking the waters needs an accompanying person during his/her spa treatment. In particular, disabled people or people with reduced mobility who need an accompanying person for their movements, sick people who for health reasons cannot move alone or young children and teenagers who must be accompanied by a parent. It is also possible for any person who wishes to do so to join a family member or a spouse who is undergoing a spa treatment. The accompanying person can then enjoy a non-medical mini-cure (which will not be covered by the Health Insurance) or simply provide a comforting presence for the person undergoing the spa treatment. Note that a good number of events are available at La Roche-Posay to occupy the 'accompanying persons' days during the cure. The Spa Source has special packages specially made for them.
  • Are the skin care treatments given in individual cabins?  Yes, all skin care treatments are given in individual cabins.


  • Can I interrupt my thermal treatment? No, the required duration is 3 consecutive weeks, with 18 days of skin care. The cure can be interrupted for medical reasons with a written statement from the spa doctor.
  • I have sent my registration online and I still haven't received my notification. Should I be concerned? The reservation service should normally send you a confirmation two weeks after your online registration, indicating the time of your appointment at the spa for the first day of treatment. If after this time you have not received your confirmation, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
  • How can I choose my thermal doctor ? The choice of the thermal doctor is a personal choice. The choice can be made according to the dates of your cure. Please find the list of our thermal doctors here.
  • Once I have booked my cure, can I choose my own treatment schedule? If you register on the internet, you can choose the time you want your skin care to start.
  • What do I have to do when I arrive? On the first day of your treatment, go to your skin care establishment at the time indicated in the confirmation e-mail or letter. Your skin care treatments will start on the first day. First time patients will be accompanied to the spa.
  • What do I have to do after my stay to be reimbursed? The certificate attesting the end of the cure is required for the refund by your medical insurance company. It will be given to you by your doctor's assistant on the last day of the treatment. As soon as you return home after the cure, send your reimbursement forms to your affiliation fund (transport and accommodation costs to be indicated on form No. 3) and send the certificate of completion of the cure to your medical insurance company.
  • Are transport costs to the spa centre and accommodation covered? The cost of transport and/or accommodation is reimbursed depending on your income.
  • Can my cure be refunded by my social security provider? A three-week spa treatment, including 18 days of skin care, prescribed by a doctor, is covered by Social Security at 65%, or even 100% in the case of ALD. Shorter spa treatments (6 days of skin care for example) are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • How can I cancel my cure? You should inform our spa establishments as soon as possible by telephone on 05 49 19 49 49 or by e-mail at [email protected].
  • How can I change my cure dates? In order to change your cure dates, you should contact our spa establishments as soon as possible to agree on new dates, by telephone on 05 49 19 49 49 or by e-mail at [email protected].


  • Can I take several thermal treatments in the same year? No, only one thermal treatment is granted per calendar year, except in the special case of burn victims. 
  • Can I do a thermal cure in several sessions? No, the thermal cure is carried out in one go, over 18 consecutive days.  
  • When should I do my thermal cure? When the doctor has advised you to do so, and you have arranged to be free for 3 weeks. Your agreement is valid for the whole of the current calendar year. The dates of the cure also depend on your accommodation reservation.
  • How can I find accommodation for my cure? There are many choices for accommodation during your cure in La Roche-Posay. To know more about our hotel partners as well as all other accommodation solutions, visit the Tourism Office's website.
  • Are there any contraindications to taking a spa treatment (respiratory diseases, bullous diseases, fragile immune system)? From what age are children welcome at La Roche-Posay thermal centre? Children are allowed from the age of 6 months. They must be accompanied by an adult during skin care treatments.  
  • How do I choose a thermal centre? In the case of a contractual cure, the patient must go to the nearest spa that meets his or her needs (dermatology). In the case of a free and non-reimbursed cure, it is possible to choose the spa your choice according to your preferences.
  • How long does a skin care treatment last? The treatments last about 2 to 3 hours a day on average, and are given in the morning.
  • Are the thermal baths open on public holidays? The thermal baths are open every day except Sunday. Skin care is therefore also provided on public holidays. Here you can find all the information regarding the opening dates of our thermal baths.
  • Do I have to start my cure on a Monday? Cures are available from Monday to Friday, but it is preferable to start on a Monday morning.
  • What is the difference between a conventioned cure and a open access cure? The 18-day conventioned cure must be prescribed by a doctor, general practitioner or specialist, and is covered by social security. Open access cures, also called short cures, last 6 or 12 days and are not covered by social security.
  • I am pregnant, can I come for a cure? There is no contraindication to come for a cure between the 4th and 7th month of pregnancy. However, the prescription for the cure must be made by your gynaecologist.


  • How does the spa doctor follow up with the attending physician? At the end of the cure, the spa doctor must send a report to the attending physician.
  • Why prescribe a thermal cure? A thermal cure is a therapeutic method and can be part of a more global medical programme. It can also be prescribed in case of therapeutic failure, drug intolerance or when patients refuse chemical treatments. It can also be prescribed in order to reduce drug dependency or to take a therapeutic break. Spa treatment is a real bubble of oxygen for patients who have difficulty coping with the side effects of certain therapies or the isolation resulting from their pathology. It is a gentle therapy with no side effects and is suitable for everyone, particularly children, the elderly and patients suffering from severe chronic pain.
  • How do you prescribe a thermal cure? The prescription procedure is simple and is done with the patient: the prescribing doctor obtains the Cerfa n° 11139*01 questionnaire from the Caisse primaire d'Assurance Maladie. Link to the CERFA. It is then up to the doctor to fill it out in the presence of the patient, mentioning the therapeutic orientation(s) according to the patient's needs and the name of the spa establishment.
  • From what age can children start to be treated in your establishment ? We can welcome young children from the age of 6 months accompanied by at least one parent.Where can I get information on your spa? You can download our various brochures here or ask to receive information by post, by filling in this form

You haven't found the answer to your question? Contact us via our contact form. We will answer you as soon as possible.


The BiodiverCity label

The BiodiverCity Construction label is awarded by the International Council for Biodiversity in Real Estate. It testifies to the attention paid to the environment and biodiversity during the renovation of the Thermes du Connétable. It rewards sustainable building projects by assessing, at different stages of the project, how well it takes into account its current and future impact on the environment.

More information on the CIBI website.